Updated !
Yes ! Its updated !
- Hm... Nothing much happened, unless you want to count the great new idea of playing cardboard mah jong... Light, soundless and intriguing entertainment. Heck, it even confers health benefits such as partial immunity to alzheimer's ! So we're not playing games, we're keeping our minds healthy !
- Wu shu owned us all. Ran a different route that day... Was running, running running, and I didnt really think it was much of a big deal until we turned off the concrete pathway and down towards a water pipe.. Climb over the pipe and... HOLY MOLY ! A steep steep steep hill. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!! Luckily only the competition pple need to run up the hill... We the fei wu gang can jog up.. Ha.. Learnt some new stuff...
- GCB having a bad day... First, kana caught for playing tennis so he needed to write a 2 page essay explaining his actions... Then as he was walking to TC to eat, he kana bird shit.. Haiz... Sad.
- Quite an uneventful day.....Bored.
- 3 periods of chem tutorial ! OMFG. Luckily, she spent one period explaining something she already explained the previous tutorial.. So she wasted about one period or so.. Then she annouces that th rest of the whole cghem lesson is for a class test ! yay. Liberated from boring tutorials..
- Hm... So my group is doin the GP presentation next term.. Wonder how many people are left by then...
- Maths lecture was so Zzzz... Played mah jong to spend time....
- Bio passed quickly thanks to the pract.. GCB had like.. 67 bubbles per minute while jeffrey had 3. hahahhaa...
- Wu shu was fun but tiring as usual.. Missing some pple like jun hong, wee kiat and worm cos thy pon.. So sad... But I had a great time.. Though I did horribly.. Especially got BMB, MJB and WFG standing above watching.. PRESSURE ! Did badly.. Haiz.. Long way to go. Too tired. That explains the vague entry. To redeem my sin I pasted a ineresting pict below.. Proves that wc3 isnt all just brainless bloodshed.
" Winning isn't everything. It's the owned faces of the losers that matters most. "
~quote by me~

i didn't pon wushu.... i didn't even go to sch =P
btw..i took a video of yu doing sum cool wushu jump.don't noe if it's still in e videocam.
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